Nicaraguan Field Guide

Nicaraguan Field Guide

This photologue was produced from research in Rivas, Nicaragua of macro-photographs documenting the species we encountered. The expedition was led by Professor Eric Olson, an ecologist at the The Heller School for Social Policy and Management.

Stock Price Graph App

Stock Price Graph App

Historical stock price candlestick charting webapp. The front-end uses React.js with Highcharts and Material-UI. The back-end is a server written in Golang hosted on AWS Lambda that uses the public financial API, Alpha Vantage, to retrieve stock data.


Hacker News Client

Hacker News Client

A series of Hacker News front-ends in vanilla JavaScript, React, and Angular 6.




CoverUS, is a HealthTech blockchain startup, that creates a marketplace for research using a token tethered to one’s voluntarily shared, anonymous, and permissioned health data. This incentive token, based on Ethereum Solidity smart contracts are tethered to personal health data. I helped build the back-end architecture and code the front-end UI.

Wander: Brandeis Abroad

Wander: Brandeis Abroad

Featuring prose, poems, and photos from Brandeis University students who have studied abroad. I helped co-found the Club and was Editor-in-Chief for 3 years. The publication is semesterly. We presented a public photo exhibition of the top awarded photos.

NLP Philosophy

NLP Philosophy

A text analysis using NLP techniques on a corpora of my papers from my Philosophy B.A. exported from Jupyter Notebook Inspired by: topic-modelling-in-python-with-nltk-and-gensim-4ef03213cd21

JSON Explorer

JSON Explorer

Test REST APIs with JSON responses and API keys.

Encryptor JS

Encryptor JS

Encrypt and Decrypt strings/text and evaluate it as JavaScript code client-side. Uses AES from the CryptoJS lib.

Polka dot dance

Polka dot dance

Tinkering with CSS grid and polka dots!



Store.AI gathers and analyzes store data to intelligently tailor personalized messaging and optimize in-store experiences and operations. It optimizes layouts and staffing duties and schedules, measures marketing campaign effectiveness, and makes recommendations to assist in product assortment decisions. Store.AI is easily installed and is easy to use with its intuitive dynamic reporting tools available for store managers all the way to the store’s central headquarters.